Be Kind to Others

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Be kind to others from CAHSS Webteam on Vimeo. Teaching that Matters for Migrant Students is a research project that aims to understand and  help teachers meet the needs of migrant students. It is implemented in 3 countries: Sweden, Finland, and Scotland. This project is carrying out filmmaking workshops with schools from the 3 participating […]

A Million Places

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Featured image of students' film A Million Places
A Million Places from CAHSS Webteam on Vimeo. Teaching that Matters for Migrant Students is a research project that aims to understand and  help teachers meet the needs of migrant students. It is implemented in 3 countries: Sweden, Finland, and Scotland. This project is carrying out filmmaking workshops with schools from the 3 participating countries […]

Living in multicultural schools: Handbook for teachers

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Featured image of Living in multircultural schools
This Handbook for Teachers is created based on the research outcomes from the European project “MiCreate: Migrant Children and Communities in a Transforming Europe”. It aims to provide educators working in multicultural schools with a series of practices to use or adapt. This handbook can be found in English, Spanish, Catalan, Polish, Slovenian, German and […]

The European Policy Brief of MiCreate

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Image of MiCreate D11.5 European Policy Brief
“The European Policy Brief” of MiCreate: Migrant children and communities in a transforming Europe is a useful resource for policy-makers at the national, local, and school levels. In addition, it can give insights to school staff interested in embracing diversity in their educational community.

Agents of Change toolkit to address migrant integration

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The Agents of Change Toolkit (ACToolkit) facilitates schools and educators acting as agents of change to achieve the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs). It is designed to help educators everywhere: a) build sustainable UN SDG-related improvements into their local plans; b) identify relevant expertise and work with other players within and beyond schools to implement change projects; and c) evaluate the impact of change processes and outcomes. The toolkit guides users through a structured, 5-step process to plan, implement, and evaluate change in an engaging and accessible way. There are four main themes in the toolkit: migrant integration, Covid renewal, inclusion and equality, and sustainability, but also a fifth theme for anything else, as schools and organisations are free to pick their own project.

Mentor Sweden: mentorship for young people

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Mentor Sverige (Mentor Sweden) is working with the TEAMS project in Järvaskolan in conjunction with Stockholm University. Mentor Sweden is a non-profit organisation that provides mentorship for young people.

The Helsinki Reflexive Tool: to help support and teach newly arrived migrant pupils

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The tool helps train teachers to support and teach Newly Arrived Migrant Pupils (NAMS) effectively, and provide schools with teachers who have a better understanding of ethnic-cultural diversity and who possess the skills to develop the right incentives regarding the personal development of the children.

Scotdec: promoting Global Citizenship Education

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Scotdec is a charity that works to promote Global Citizenship Education. Founded in 1986, Scotdec has been supporting Global Citizenship Education for nearly 30 years. Scotdec’s vision is that young people in Scotland are able and motivated to challenge global inequality – creating a fairer future for all. Scotdec works with educators – supporting them […]