‘The Journey’ by Francesca Sanna

Book cover of The Journey

‘The Journey‘ is a beautifully illustrated book introduces a powerful and moving perspective on migration for readers of all ages. Told through the eyes of a young girl, the story explores the unimaginable decisions made as a mother and her two children are forced to flee their home and everyone they know to escape the turmoil of war.

This resource is a versatile set of nine colourful slides, with illustrations and text from the book, to use as a teaching resource to accompany the book, The Journey. Can be used in multiple ways with different age-groups, to the explore and learn about the experiences of many migrant families.

Suggested level: Upper Primary/Lower Secondary

Flying Eye Books, in conjunction with Amnesty International

LINK to Francesca Sanna’s blog about writing ‘The Journey’

LINK to an interview with Francesca Sanna

LINK to further teaching resources from Amnesty International