Tarnanen, M., Oral, D., Niklasson, E., de Riba-Mayoral, S., Vähäsantanen, K., Manninen, E. & Pantić, N. (2024). Exploring integration in schools by using the lens of cultural diversity and multilingualism in policy documents from Finland, Scotland and Sweden. Linguistics and Education 0(0), 1-21. Full article: Exploring integration in schools by using the lens of cultural diversity […]
Tarnanen, M., Kalalahti, M., & Palonen, T. (2023). Pedagoginen yhteistyö kulttuurisesti ja kielellisesti moninaisessa kouluyhteisössä. Oppimisen ja oppimisvaikeuksien erityislehti : NMI-bulletin, 33(4), 91-107. Pedagoginen yhteistyö kulttuurisesti ja kielellisesti moninaisessa kouluyhteisössä Artikkelissa tarkastellaan henkilöstön pedagogista yhteistyötä kahdessa koulussa, joissa on enemmän maahanmuuttotaustaisia oppilaita kuin suomalaisissa kouluissa yleensä. Pedagogisella yhteistyöllä tarkoitetaan henkilöstön yhteistä toimintaa, jonka tavoitteena on […]
Gialdini C. & Pantić (2024). Rethinking EAL Services to Support Inclusion of Migrant Students. Language, Society and Policy. Rethinking EAL Services to Support Inclusion of Migrant Students Introduction This policy brief draws insights from a four-year cross-country study on teaching support for migrant students in Scotland, Sweden, and Finland. Through the lens of inclusive education […]
We are pleased to share our fifth policy brief, which focuses on “Rethinking the role of EAL teachers: Lessons learned on supporting migrant pupils in Scotland”.
Palonen T. Methods for Researching Professional Learning and Development – Challenges, Applications and Empirical Illustrations. (pp. 491-512), 2022. Seeing Workplaces from a Social Network Analysis (SNA) Approach Highlights The chapter introduces Social Network Analysis (SNA) in the context of work organizations, and displays how SNA contributes to workplace learning research by unveiling formal or hidden informal […]
Pantić N., Sarazin M., Coppe T., Oral D., Manninen E., Silvennoinen K., Lund A., Hökkä P., Vähäsantanen K., Shupin, L. How do teachers exercise relational agency for supporting migrant students within social networks in schools from Scotland, Finland, and Sweden? How do teachers exercise relational agency for supporting migrant students within social networks in schools […]
Sarazin M, Oral D, Lund A, Pantić N. Re-theorising Learning and Research Methods in Learning Research, 2023. Using mixed methods social network analysis to study teacher collaboration for migrant inclusion in a Swedish school (diva-portal.org) Abstract Growing migration has changed student populations in many countries, challenging schools and educational systems to include students from migration backgrounds. Teacher […]
Manninen E, Hökkä P, Tarnanen M, Vähäsantanen K. Education Sciences, 2022. Education Sciences | Free Full-Text | Staff Members’ Professional Agency within the Staff Community and the Education Policies: Supporting Integration in Multicultural and Multilingual School Communities (mdpi.com) Abstract In recent decades, increased diversity and migration have challenged school staff members’ ways of working. This study aimed […]